Vinyl mixtapes, you say?
The inventive company
offers a subscription-based
record service
where curated 'mixtapes'
of ten songs a month
arrive at your door,
pressed in the finest vinyl
you'll find around.
With unique and new
musicians scattered
throughout the ten song
releases, they are also
showcased by collaborative
visual artists.

Many impressive creations
have seen the light
of day in the 20 issues
since launching
the unique brand,
but the most recent
is the one that grabbed
my full attention.
With original art
from Molly Mendoza
(who has been featured
here in the past),
the fold-out booklet
comes complete
with a 20 page comic
called Philae
and plenty of cosmic
fold-outs to browse
as you discover
some new names
through your speakers.
Vinyl Moon:
the only thing I'm asking
for on December 25.