This eleven song
Severance Package
is a contender
for my favorite
project of the year.
Released by the San Diego-based
duo TSUKI, the project
is a mixture of electronica
and acoustic folk,
somehow blending seamlessly
into one magical project.
The contrast between opener
“Pareidolia” and lofi piece “Boy”
is significant, but they somehow
both fit nicely within
the same unreleased film.
Something that artists
like Portishead and Bjork
can pull off,
and apparently TSUKI
can do the exact same.
Much love to SVNSET TAPES
from Amarillo, Texas
for releasing this album
and putting me on to the magic
that I wouldn't have
discovered otherwise.
If you'll excuse me,
I need to go back
to looping
"I Don't Miss You Anymore".
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