Back in 2021 (I had to go back and check), I wrote the first draft to a tarot-inspired poem called “Sword”. Early last year, I sent some poems over to my multimedia artist friend Asher McShane (based in Melbourne, he does animation, painting, music, you name it). Of the batch I sent over, it was the poem “Sword” that resonated the most with Asher. Much to my surprise and glee, he animated my poem into a short film and now we're fittingly releasing it on Halloween. It features a witch and a toad and a forester and a monk and much, more more. Posted above is the official poster and posted below is the official short film.
I've written a lot of poems over the years, and published a handful of books/chapbooks, but there's something extra special about seeing your writing come to life through animation / adaptation / interpretation / visual art. This might be my favorite collaboration yet.
A forester
and a monk
meet on a bluff
and share tarot decks
of breathless art and unpredictable
The narrow window
between storm and sky.
The tidier and tinier
The witch in the trees
is, yes, taking bets
with herself.
Tower, the monk pulls.
Coward, the forester goes.
A toad wanders by.
Tiny light, tiny hat.
If you’re a fan of this world-building and want to support Asher McShane, head over to his webshop, where you can grab a t-shirt featuring elements from our collaborative piece of art. So cool!