“I’m into it, you’re out of it.”
Safari Al is best
classified as
a DIY warlord.
He is a Ruby Yacht
captain and a
sawdust carpenter.
The Wisconsin
time traveler
turns his stage
into a canvas
and crafts
a visual performance.
I saw him in Chicago
the other week
at The Hideout
and he freeformed
a beat set
while reading
his poems
and spitting
his bars.
All he needed
was a cape
and some paint.
While he concluded
his tour with Milo last week,
he continues to be heard
through my speakers.
In particular, his newest
release, Little Man,
You've Had a Busy Day.
It is a sixteen track
abstract sculpture disguised
as sounds. It's hip-hop,
it's poetry, it's some
of the dustiest loops
you'll hit as you paddle
your canoe closer and closer
to the blood moon.
Play each track sixteen times
and notice how you bloom.