Cosmic pals
Nancy and Tombo
cried together
in the international
space station
as they made
a split single EP.
First is Nancy's
74 second
hazed out
sad and cloudy
head trip stuck
up in the clouds.
It comes and goes
like a bullet train
stuffed with loud.
Nancy's track flows
perfectly into Tombo's
“Marvelous Persona”
which also clocks in
under two minutes.
Produced by Nancy,
it's an emotional
doozy, shouting
“Sew me up like fabric,
stretched out
I'm your canvas.”
Expect many many
more of these collabs
in the very near future.
an appearance by @shilarosa prod. @NANCYAMOREXXX mix, master ~ tombo art ~ NANCY+TOMBO
If you need more
from these space
cadets, they have
a bundle of tracks
from the past
that you should
be sure to dive
into right this
very instant.
with some
headphones, alone
in a dark room.
More Nancy