Art: Mohtz
Barnes Blvd.
came through
with his debut album
Last Summer.
The eleven song
instrumental journey
is “a collection of tracks
made and selected
over the last few months.”
With only one feature
from producer Rook1e
and full of field recordings
and organic percussion,
the project is both
emotional and comforting
at the same time,
like getting flowers
in the mail as you wipe
away morning tears.
This is one that will be
with me all year long
and for years to come.
The pianos, the guitars,
the ukuleles, they all works
so well here.
Thank you, Barnes Blvd.
Someone needs
to give this artist
a bag of money
to make music
like this forever.
If you need more
from the Washington
native, be sure
to check out
his collaborative track
with ok2222, j'san,
and Khai Dreams.
More Barnes Blvd.