When I think
of Chicago MC
Vagabond Maurice
I think of two things:
1.) Anime.
2.) Smile.
How fitting
that his two
new 2018 singles
feature both
of these elements
as artwork.
Following his two
full-length albums,
The Dragon Who
Devoured the Moon (2015)
and Watching Icarus Fly (2016),
Maurice let loose
a series of loose tracks.
The first 2018 drop
was a quick interlude known as
"Sancta Sanctorum." It's a lyrical
tornado, high speed
bars over meditative production.
V.M. followed that up
with the jazzy
"Kerberos Meteor Showers"
alongside Leyone Tracks.
"Exhale imagination
as I tore through thunder."
Two for two this calendar
year for Dr. Vagabond.
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