Eleanor Davis
aka squinkyelo
has a social media presence
that is a mixture
of original paintings,
road travels,
and active protests.
A voice and an instrument
with a long history of art,
Eleanor Davis
is a fine addition
to the Ongoing Art Gallery.
I reached out to her
for an interview,
but the talented Georgia-based artist
is far too swamped
at the moment,
so rather than dismiss
covering her work,
I felt it necessary
to include some
of my favorite pieces
for this continual column.
From comic books
to commissions
for New York Times,
Google, The New Yorker,
and countless others,
Davis' official website,
sketchblog, and Instagram accounts
are all true gold mines
of bright paintings
and strong messages that say
a great deal without needing
to necessarily use words or dialogue.
If you like what you see,
be on the lookout for Davis'
upcoming travel book known as
to be released on May 16.

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