Art: Camilo Medina
This was released
a few months back,
but what is time?
It's a Monday morning
and I'm knee deep
in a gallon of coffee.
Thankfully, there exists
a thirteen minute
mix known properly
to soundtrack
my coffee endeavors.
Created by duo
and recorded from
January to June
of this year,
is equal parts beach
and lounge bar.
Some parts sound
like 90s theme songs
while other parts
fit inside an opium bar.
Originally made up
of Chicago artists
Paul Cherry
and Justin Vittori,
the JAVA project
enlisted eight
additional artists
to add to the free
flowing and experimental
quick mix.
If you like
the eclectic
(yet always relaxed)
instrumentals heard
on MIX II,
be sure to check
out the first mix
that was released
at the beginning
of this year.
More Chicago