heating cooling.jpg

I flew through

Beth Ann Fennelly's

most recent book,

Heating & Cooling.

Described as

52 Micro-Memoirs,

the pitch couldn't be

more on point: here

is a 110 page gem

where most stories don't

surpass the page.

For every few

poetic reflections

no longer than a paragraph

(feeling a bit

like prose poems),

Fennelly adds a piece

that is a bit longer.


By longer, I mean two pages

instead of one. It's a fast

read and a delight

in every aspect;

from stolen beer to various

kisses to Vince Vaughn

to chickens on fire

and everything in between,

this is a whirlwind of a read,

one that will have you underlining

passages of insight, laughing

into hysterics, and nodding

your head at having experienced

something similar.

A feel good book,

one that will have myself

seeking out something more

from Fennelly, as this is my first

time reading her work.
