This album was recorded during the begining of fall while I stayed hidden away in my apartment recording music for hours on end. Out spills my thoughts.

Back in November,

Victoria, British Columbia



released an album

called Hidden.

At twelve free tracks

made available on Bandcamp,

the album has been soundtracking

my naps and nightdreams

for the last week or so.

It's a lofi, bedroom

number, perhaps perfect

for a bon fire

or a Sunday morning

poetry session.

It's about as relaxed

as you'll get

and I couldn't be

more satisfied

with the result.

"Introduction" and "Conclusion"

should be on repeat.

If you need more

from Clementine,

she recently released

a cover of Bon Iver's

"Skinny Love".

i haven't been making much music lately so here is a quick cover
