“I been out for several fortnight constructing a gazebo as a haven for myself and others that are experiencing the winter blues. Stay well friends.”
At the beginning
of the year,
I covered the double-sided
beat tape from Chicago-based
Artie Do Good.
Following that,
Artie was generous enough
to lend his trombone skills
on the collaborative
[neonpajamas] track “Pilot Light”.
And now, as we prepare
to wrap up the winter
(hopefully sooner than later),
Dr. Do Good is back
with a collection
of instrumentals
made to get
through the cold
days in the Midwest.
Known collectively as S.A.D. Gazebo
(or Seasonal Affective Disorder),
I am happy to not
only hone in
on this beat journey
(one full of jazzy
samples, PSAs,
and smooth bumps),
but to also
spotlight the lead single
with fellow Chicago-based
talent L. Martin.
2018 already rules.
Spin it back
until you drool.
More Instrumentals