“I’m the fuckin’ answer
I’m the brown panther
I’m Alexander
Got a bus transfer”
On November 19, 2016,
Alexander Spit
made an album called
Alive at Virgil Normal.
Fitting title,
given that it was fully
recorded at Virgil Normal
studios in Los Angeles.
In ten hours,
he wrote,
produced, recorded,
mixed, and mastered
a ten song project,
complete with a thirteen
minute documentary.
Alexander Spit
has always been one
of my favorite auteurs
in the hip-hop game,
ever since blessing
the world with the
Mansions instrumental series.
Ever since, I've been
trying to catch his every
move and this move,
Alive at Virgil Normal,
is one of his finest
and most impressive.
Props to him
for being able to craft
an album with guests
and new friends
coming and going.
DIY to its core.
“Contributions / distractions / support / involvement were made open to the public without intentions of results or completion. The album was dubbed to 100 cassettes that day and was paired with 1 of 1 hand drawn art by artist, Matt McCormick.”